* Vital ElementsThis advert contains the requirements for a full title and release date, certification and logos for its platformed console/developer/publisher, however does not offer a reviewed quote from a respected magazine or person. This is because the game has not yet been released to the public, or even to reviews, so instead a blurb is detailed along the bottom to set-up the narrative within the game. No game play clips allows the audience to become further mystified by the advertisement as they know nothing from inside the game, allowing for ‘buzz’ and interest to build.
* Representation Gender placement can be seen as difficult to label as the figures in the advert are in space suits, however their key features model their masculine body builds as well as boasting large and powerful weaponry. Through the study of Semiotics, other focus signs such as their description as heroes in the ‘Noble Team’, suggest a hier-achetypal male idol with great power. By using an unfamiliar location and sci-fi-esque character types, the audience is drawn into its pseudo-reality and somehow finds their own representation within it. Though no narrative elements are portrayed, more semiotical signs evaluate the famous ‘Master Chief’ character, as well as the space environment and ‘Halo’ logo so old fans can instantly recognise the newest release. Aimed at a predominately male, potentially off the back of other popular FPS titles such as ‘Call of Duty’, the new addition of a female character in the advertisement opens the new representation and audience to females.
* Genre In terms of direct Taxonomy classification, Halo: Reach is an ultimately an action game, which can then be subcategorized into adventure/shooter or even strategy. It’s seen as an ‘FPS set in space’ as the characters are wearing alien-style suits of armour and out-landish guns. Former Halo enthusiasts will be drawn to the newest title of the most successful video game series because of its similarities to past titles, however through explosive use of visual action and adventure in the advertisement, new fans can begin to expect what the narrative will entail.
* Narrative As suggested by the genre, the narrative will involve various degrees of action/fighting and potentially co-operation as a ‘squad’ of soldiers can be seen. By reading into the smaller texted blurb and learning the idea of playing as part of a team, the advert becomes purely for narrative constructs and not so much marketing. As barely any new information for fans is deployed, it can be considered that this advertisement is to cause buzz and hype just through the mere suggestion of a new Halo title.
* Audience This advert was scanned from the popular gaming magazine OXM (Official Xbox Magazine), which features Xbox exclusive content only. The appearance of this advertisement is strategically placed as Halo: Reach is an Xbox-only title, so it’s large, double page spread will directly influence customers who have shared contextual knowledge of the game. Because of the ‘entertainment’ value of the magazine and gaming industry, the advert aims for casual but content specific audiences, so the advert features no large amounts of text, just impressive visuals as an aid to purchase.
* Media Language The use of hyperbolic modifiers to excites the reader(‘legend’, ‘overwhelming’, ‘elite’, ‘massive’) gives the audience a deeper and more enthusiastic anticipation to discover more, and for this a website address is provided for those seeking more information. Rewards in the form for Halo fans who pre-order the title entice a specific fan base and audience. Most importantly, the legal text below aims to protect claims within the advertisement, as well as the signs and logos used.